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One City Message

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Churches, in their own communities on Sunday morning, will mention unity with each other and with Jesus either through prayer, preaching, and/or a video.

We believe God wants to mobilize believers across churches in Columbus toward a common goal: being salt and light in our city. We are urging pastors to make this Sunday a “One City Message” to express our union with Christ, our unity in the Church, and our common passion to be salt and light for our city. For Columbus will provide optional resources for the teaching, a short video of highlights from God’s work around the city, and a prayer guide. We are asking every congregation to consider three simple things on Sunday, April 28: Pray, Preach, and/or Play.

You can engage with one of these components, all three, or any combination of your choice. Read more below about your options.


Pray for two specific city needs (ie. drug epidemic, human trafficking, homelessness, refugees and new Americans), and also pray for at least two neighboring churches by name (for their flourishing and friendship). 


Bonus: Take time to pray for business and marketplace leaders who are leading for the glory of God.


Build your message and teaching around Jesus’ words from Matthew 5:13-16 on salt and light; to clothe the whole church of Columbus in the challenge of being salt and light in our city but also as a signpost that this is Jesus’ church and we are in partnership with each other.

Bonus: Consider doing pulpit swaps with local church partners. Or consider engaging in a city-wide “study session” of the passage.


Share a short, inspiring video provided by For Columbus highlighting God’s work across the city. The video will be a montage and story of what God’s been doing across Columbus. This allows people in the church to join together in seeing the work of God and how their church is involved.




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